Since its first appearance in the United States in February 2020, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has infected more than 46.1 million Americans and killed more than 748,000 (as of November 3, 2021)
COVID-19 vaccinations have been under development since the beginning of the pandemic and have become available. A safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine is a critical component to reduce COVID-19-related illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths.
The WVPCA is working with Federal, State, and local health officials in emergency preparedness activities, as well as disseminating appropriate information to our Community Health Centers.
We are offering this page as guidance and resource information for health care providers to ensure accurate information to the communities we serve. We are continually updating resources as they become available.
Statement on Decision to Provide CHCs COVID-19 Vaccines
The WVPCA has released this statement on the COVID-19 vaccine allocation. The Biden administration, with HRSA and CDC, has announced a program that will allow community health centers the ability to receive a COVID-19 vaccine allocation directly. The program will initially be a pilot of less than a fifth of the nation’s community health centers, then ramp up to include more over time. Pilot community health centers will be ones serving hard-to-reach and disproportionately-affected populations.
Understanding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccines Work
How CDC Is Making COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations
Vaccine Education and Training for Healthcare Professionals
CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Resources
NACHC COVID-19: Information and Resources for Community Health Centers
Provider Resources for COVID-19 Vaccine Conversations with Patients
HRSA COVID-19 Information for Health Centers and Partners
CDC Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People