Trainings & Events
Training the Next Generation Within Health Centers
Event Overview: Join the West Virginia Primary Care Association and the National Training and Technical Assistance Partners (NTTAP) on Clinical Workforce Development at Community Health Center, Inc. for a 2-part 60-minute interactive webinar on training the next generation! The first training session will explore national healthcare workforce landscape, including research and support around health professions education training (HP-ET), as well as West Virginia's landscape and data. The second training session will dive into replicable models and best practices for training the next generation. Both trainings will include opportunities to ask questions and engage in discussion with the speakers. Both trainings will be recorded if you cannot attend live.
Objectives and Goals:
1. Understand the landscape of workforce initiatives, including how to connect to research and support around health professions education training.
2. Explore West Virginia's healthcare workforce data and highlight promising practices.
3. Gain knowledge and confidence about tools, resources, and emerging best practices for strategic workforce planning in order to begin this work.
Event Dates and Time: March 18th and 25th, 2025 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Target Audience: Anyone who is involved in Health Professions Training and Education including Healthcare Executives, Senior Leadership, Front line Managers, Supervisors, Educators, Coordinators
Cost: This training is being offered at only $25 per participant!
This training is only open to CHC staff!
Registration closes March 17th.
To Register: Training the Next Generation Within Health Centers
Select "Individual Member" if you have a login (username/password). If you would like to request a login, please contact Matthew Arthur at the WVPCA at (304) 346-0032 or select temporary login.
2024 UDS Overview and 2025 UDS PAL Preview
Event Description: Please join the WVPCA and Jillian Maccini from JSI for a collective review of the 2024 UDS data, and a preview of anticipated changes for 2025 UDS. During the session, we'll explore common barriers, documentation and workflow improvements, and prepare for new proposed measures in 2025. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with experts and your peers to learn, collaborate, and improve your UDS processes!
Objectives and Goals:
Collaborate and learn from peers regarding UDS 2024.
Discuss common barriers and any documentation or workflow improvements noted.
Prepare for UDS 2025 and newly proposed measures.
Event Date and Time: March 31st, 2025 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Target Audience: Quality staff, quality directors, CMOs
Cost: This training is being offered at no cost to CHC staff!
This training is only open to CHC staff!
Registration closes March 28th.
To Register: Overview of UDS 2024 and Preview of UDS PAL 2025
Select "Individual Member" if you have a login (username/password). If you would like to request a login, please contact Matthew Arthur at the WVPCA at (304) 346-0032 or select temporary login.
Azara Care Connect Demonstration
Meeting Overview: Please join the WVPCA and Azara for a demonstration of the Azara Care Connect Module, a fully integrated solution to efficiently manage and coordinate care - leveraging your DRVS data to optimize performance. Whether you're a Care Manager or Care Coordinator, Azara Care Connect's features and functionality help manage the full spectrum of your organization's patient needs. Care Connect is designed to leverage the full set of clinical, claims, HIE and practice management data in Azara DRVS and makes it available in a simple and intuitive user interface. Care Coordinators are further enabled to improve productivity and efficiency, close care gaps, and track adherence to health plan contract requirements across a large population of patients.
Come join us to see the Azara Care Connect Module in action and learn how the tools can help you provide better care for your patients. The WVPCA has the opportunity to provide support for health centers to adopt the module - BUT ONLY FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME! Health centers will need to act now!!
Meeting Date and Time: February 27th, 2025 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Target Audience: Clinical Leadership, Care Managers and Coordinators, Quality Staff, Health Center Azara Users
Cost: There is no charge for the demonstration.
This demonstration is only open to Community Health Center Staff.
Registration closes on February 26th!
To Register: Azara Care Connect Demonstration
Select "Individual Member" if you have a login (username/password). If you would like to request a login, please contact Matthew Arthur at the WVPCA at (304) 346-0032 or select temporary login.
HRSA's Draft Scope of Project Policy Manual Review
Event Overview: Join the WVCPA and Feldesman Leifer LLP to review HRSA's draft Health Center Program Scope of Project Policy Manual. The manual addresses policy areas for health centers including telehealth, overlapping service area review, patient-provider relationship definitions, Form 5C, and more. The WVPCA will also be seeking feedback regarding the changes to provide a comment letter to HRSA. Health Centers are also encouraged to submit their own comments. We will also be working with NACHC on a template letter that will be shared in advance of the February 10th deadline.
Objectives and Goals:
Understand the significance changes in HRSA’s draft Health Center Program Scope of Project Policy Manual.
Discuss alignment between the manual and other compliance and regulatory guidance.
Discuss the process in which feedback can be prepared and submitted.
Event Date and Time: January 22, 2025 | 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Target Audience: Health Center Leadership Teams
Cost: This training is being offered at only $25 per participant!
This training is only open to Community Health Center Staff.
Registration closes on January 21st!
To Register: HRSA's Draft Scope of Project Policy Manual Review Registration
Select "Individual Member" if you have a login (username/password). If you would like to request a login, please contact Matthew Arthur at the WVPCA at (304) 346-0032 or select temporary login.
If you do not have a login, please select "Individual Non-Member".

Onboarding for Success: Engaging Staff, Supporting Retention, and Advancing Comprehensive Workforce Planning
Event Overview: Onboarding is a vital process at a Health Center. It is the process of integrating new employees into an organization and its culture, in addition to helping them access the tools and resources they will need to become successful members of the team. Organizations should approach new employee onboarding strategically - keeping long-term retention in mind. Onboarding is also integral to employee engagement and should be thoughtfully incorporated into a health center’s Comprehensive Workforce Plan (CWP). Please join the WVPCA and subject matter experts from the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved for this fantastic learning experience!
Objectives and Goals:
Understand the significance of strategic onboarding in fostering long-term retention and engagement within an organization.
Learn the key components of effective onboarding processes, including integration into organizational culture and provision of necessary tools and resources.
Identify ways to support an inclusionary onboarding process that addresses the needs of employees.
Event Dates and Times: January 16th and 30th, 2025 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Target Audience: Anyone who conducts, plans for, or participates in the onboarding process for new employees including Healthcare Executives, Senior Leadership, Front line Managers, Supervisors, Educators, Workforce Coordinators.
Cost: This training is being offered at only $25 per participant!
This training is only open to Community Health Center Staff.
Registration closes on January 15th!
To Register: Onboarding for Success: Engaging Staff, Supporting Retention, and Advancing Comprehensive Workforce Planning
Select "Individual Member" if you have a login (username/password). If you would like to request a login, please contact Matthew Arthur at the WVPCA at (304) 346-0032 or select temporary login.
If you do not have a login, please select "Individual Non-Member".

Preparing for 2025 PCMH Annual Reporting
Event Overview: Join us for a step-by-step review of the process and data requirements for 2025 NCQA PCMH Annual reporting, presented by Karen Taubert of Comagine Health. Please be sure to log into QPASS and look up your reporting date for 2025 prior to the start of this training. We will provide an overview of the changes upcoming for 2025 reporting including challenging areas of focus so you can be prepared for reporting!
Objectives and Goals:
1. Understand and identify key steps in the annual review process including QPASS setup, attestation and data reporting, submission, review, and the audit process.
2. Be able to conduct a high-level appraisal of your readiness for annual reporting. Identify key data sources, standard measures, and areas of strength and weaknesses.
3.Ability to craft an approach to complete a successful annual renewal reporting for 2025.
Event Date and Time: December 17, 2024 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Target Audience: This event is intended for anyone at your CHC involved in the submission of the Patient-Centered Medical Home application, including nurses, quality staff, administration, and more.
Cost: This training is being offered at only $25 per participant. Don't miss out on receiving all the information you need for a successful PCMH application for such a low price!
This training is only open to Community Health Center Staff.
Registration closes on December 16th!
To Register: Preparing for 2025 PCMH Annual Reporting
Select "Individual Member" if you have a login (username/password). If you would like to request a login, please contact Matthew Arthur at the WVPCA at (304) 346-0032 or select temporary login.
If you do not have a login, please select "Individual Non-Member".

Access to Care - After Hours Dental Emergencies for Non-Dental Providers
Event Overview: Do you get after hours dental calls as a medical provider? Not sure what is considered a dental emergency? If so, this webinar is for you! In this educational webinar presented by Dr. Daniel Brody of Valley Health Systems, we will explore what is considered a true dental emergency and what can wait to be scheduled the next day. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and improve your Health Center's response to after hours dental emergencies!
Objectives and Goals:
1. Provide a better understanding and enhance current knowledge of dental emergencies.
2. Provide tips for triaging after hours calls for medical providers.
Event Date and Time: December 3rd, 2024 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Target Audience: CMOs, after hours providers and nurses
Cost: This training is being offered at no charge for Community Health Center Employees!
This training is only open to Community Health Center Staff.
Registration closes on December 2nd!
To Register: Select "Individual Member" if you have a login (username/password). If you would like to request a login, please contact Matthew Arthur at the WVPCA at (304) 346-0032 or select temporary login.
If you do not have a login, please select "Individual Non-Member".

2024 UDS Training
The WVPCA, in conjunction with HRSA/BPHC, will be hosting the 2024 UDS Virtual Training event, presented by Natalie Truesdell of JSI. This two-day virtual training will cover the preparation of the 2024 Uniform Data System (UDS) Report. This training is targeted toward those who are responsible for gathering and reporting the data elements included in the UDS Report, as well as management, finance, and clinical staff who need to understand the definitions and concepts used, and those who use the data in their program management and quality improvement activities.
The UDS virtual training will be made up of two live three-hour training sessions with a 30-minute Q&A session as well. Participants should plan to attend all sessions for a full and comprehensive understanding of the complete UDS Report.
The annual training will be conducted virtually, via Zoom, in a series of two trainings as follows:
Session 1: Tuesday October 29th, 2024 | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Session 2: Wednesday October 30th, 2024 | 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
We are expecting a large number of attendees for this event. Attendees are asked to join the Zoom meeting room at 12:45 to ensure connectivity to the event.
1. Understand the who, what, when, where, and how of UDS reporting.
2. Discuss common reporting errors and tips for success.
3. Review key resources and supports available
Attendees will:
Gain an understanding of reporting the UDS including: the patient profile, reporting clinical services and quality of care indicators, operational and financial tables, and other required UDS reporting forms.
Learn about the new requirements included in 2024 reporting.
Learn tips for success including strategies for submission.
Receive valuable resources that provide further reporting guidance.
Review and Submission Process Deadlines:
Health Center Program grantees, look-alikes, and certain health centers funded under the HRSA’s Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) are all required to submit their UDS Report by February 15, 2025.
After submission, clinics will then work with their UDS reviewer to correct identified data errors and/or explain apparent anomalies, so that the UDS reports may be finalized by March 31st. It is always critical to complete this process during the limited window available. Once finalized, the system will not permit further corrections or amendments.
Training Materials:
Printed UDS manuals are no longer provided by the WVPCA. Attendees will receive a link to download the manual prior to training.
Registration closes on October 28th, 2024.
To Register:
Select "Individual Member" if you have a log in (username/password). If you would like to request a log in, please contact Matthew Arthur at the WVPCA at (304) 346-0032 or select temporary login.
If you do not have a login, please select "Individual Non-Member".

How to Shift from a Negative to a Positive Work Environment
Event Description: The WVPCA is happy to partner with The Healthy Workforce Institute to present our new learning opportunity, "How to Shift from a Negative to a Positive Work Environment" Presented by Renee Thompson, founder and CEO of the Healthy Workforce Institute. If you missed Renee's sessions at our Annual CHC Leadership Forum, or would like to hear more from one of the Workforce sector's leading experts, this is your chance!
There is a concerning rise in workplace negativity in healthcare organizations worldwide. This can undermine productivity and lead to significant financial repercussions for organizations. Negativity can also become ingrained within the organizational culture. As healthcare professionals, we have the power to make a difference. It's time to start shifting your organization's culture to one of positivity and growth!
Objectives and Goals:
Discover practical strategies to make positivity the new norm within your organization
Summarize three strategies for addressing negative team members
Learn to describe how to handle complaints
Event Date and Time: October 24th, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Target Audience: Health Center executives, senior leadership, front line managers, supervisors, educators, and coordinators
Cost: The price to attend this learning session is only $99! Don't miss out on hearing from industry leading expert Renee Thompson at such a low price!
This training is only open to Community Health Center Staff.
Registration closes on October 23rd!
To Register: Select "Individual Member" if you have a login (username/password). If you would like to request a login, please contact Matthew Arthur at the WVPCA at (304) 346-0032 or select temporary login.
If you do not have a login, please select "Individual Non-Member".

WVPCA Annual Community Health Center Leadership Forum
The West Virginia Primary Care Association (WVPCA) is thrilled to invite you to our Annual Community Health Center Leadership Forum this September 9th – 11th, at The Resort at Glade Springs in Daniels, West Virginia.

Elevating Workforce Satisfaction: Strengthening Engagement and Actionable Insights
In today's dynamic healthcare landscape, understanding and nurturing employee satisfaction is paramount. The invaluable data derived from staff satisfaction surveys enables health centers to drive positive change, optimize policies, and bolster employee retention. While some organizations have initiated these surveys, many seek guidance to initiate or enhance their process. This interactive session will delve into the essential steps of conducting staff satisfaction surveys, explore effective question strategies, and provide best practices for harnessing survey results to drive meaningful improvements in employee satisfaction.

How to Have Difficult Conversations with Difficult People
The WVPCA is excited to continue partnering with The Healthy Workforce Institute, this time to bring you a presentation from Diane Salter, "How to Have Difficult Conversations with Difficult People"! Navigating difficult conversations is an essential skill for healthcare professionals to possess to build healthy work cultures.

New Protocols for Vaccines for Children in School Based Health
The WVPCA and West Virginia Department of Health are collaborating to offer you a training regarding upcoming changes to the requirements and guidance for storing and administering state-funded vaccines for School-Based Health Centers in the 2024–2025 school year.

Harnessing Technology to Enhance Healthcare Access and Equity for SBHCs
The WVPCA is collaborating with WellCheck to bring you a webinar focused on teaching you how to transform your paper-based enrollment procedures into a seamless digital process. This webinar offers practical insights and strategies for streamlining student enrollments and efficiently collecting consents using the WellCheck application.

2024 WVPCA School-Based Health Conference
The West Virginia Primary Care Association invites you to our second annual School-Based Health Conference, which has been themed, "WV School-Based Health Centers—Where Community and Health Connect: Serving the Whole Child". Held on June 13th at The Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center in Charleston, WV. This all-day event will focus on serving the whole child by bringing together community health center professionals and stakeholders to share best practices on student health and well-being.

Telehealth 101: Navigating the Future of Healthcare Delivery
Join the West Virginia Primary Care Association in an exclusive, full-day training event, in collaboration with Totier Telehealth Partners and the national School-Based Health Alliance, as we delve into the essential components of implementing telehealth services.

5 Common Mistakes Leaders Make When Addressing Disruptive Behaviors
Dealing with disruptive behavior is one of the most challenging aspects of working in healthcare. Leaders and their teams are often heard saying, "If only everyone could get along, my job would be so much easier.” Yet, it's rare that an organization provides leaders and their teams with the skills and tools they need to address incidents of bullying and incivility. And, it's rare that all employees get along 100%, even in high functioning, professional work cultures.

Cyber Security Training Series: Attack on Internet
Attackers are taking advantage of traditionally unsecure medical devices and using these devices as a pivot point within an organization’s network. This can jeopardize patient safety by affecting operations in an unintended manner. This session will cover common weaknesses in medical devices, and strategies for securing devices connected to an organization’s network. In addition, this session will also help participants create their "Playbook" in the event a device is compromised.

Cyber Security Training Series: Loss of Equipment
Physical loss of equipment could result in significant losses for a healthcare organization. Equipment requires safeguards to protect the sensitive data to prevent unauthorized access, dissemination, and use. This session will cover best practices in securing critical equipment and devices within an organization and walk participants through a structured discussion to ensure participants are able to create a "Playbook" in the event equipment is lost or stolen.

Overview of Clinical Documentation, Coding, and Billing for Community Health Clinical Providers by Archprocoding
Please join the WVPCA and ArchProCoding, who have partnered to deliver a training, Overview of Clinical Documentation, Coding and Billing for Community Health Clinical Providers, which will focus on medical documentation, coding and billing.

Cyber Security Training Series: Ransomware
Ransomware is a form of extortion software that can lock computers or systems and then demand a ransom for its release. The software is usually installed as part of a successful phishing attach on the organization. Based on the latest IBM Security and Ponemom Institute study, it's estimated that a ransomware attack can cost an average of $4.62 million per incident. This session will cover trends in ransomware, including considerations for business continuity planning. It will also provide a structured discussion to help participants develop their "Playbook" for a ransomware attack.

Cyber Security Training Series: Social Engineering
Social engineering attacks, commonly thought of as phishing, are a form of psychological manipulation that tricks users into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information. It relies on human error, instead of vulnerabilities in software and operating systems. Social engineering attacks can stem from external sources or involve employees internal to the organization. Phishing attacks are the leading cause of healthcare breaches, and can be used to steal user credentials, sensitive data, or deliver malware into the environment. With the increasing threat to our healthcare organizations, this session will cover the social engineering trends and walk participants through a structured discussion to identify specific strategies to build a targeted response or “Playbook” to a social engineering attack.

Cyber Security Training Series: Virtual Incident Response Tabletop Workshop
This two-hour, virtual incident response workshop is a hands-on learning event designed to address common threats and provide a framework to execute a successful response to incidents. You will receive an overview of incident response requirements and best practices, review sample incident response materials and trainings, be a part of interactive response scenarios that test your readiness, and review lessons learned from this session.